Sociology Film Club
Designed to enhance the teaching of A-level Sociology, an annual subscription to the Film Club gives you unlimited access to all of our Sociology films
Designed to enhance the teaching of A-level Sociology, an annual subscription to the Film Club gives you unlimited access to all of our Sociology films
Media Effects: Can we learn aggression from aggressive media? This film looks at experimental, longitudinal and case study research evidence and how social learning, script
Sociological Theory: Unmasking is an extreme form of criticism that is becoming increasingly prevalent in social science and everyday discourse where individuals are accused of
Research Methods: Understanding research methods isn’t easy for many students and, strange-to-say, a lot of them also find it boring. This film uses different techniques
Research Methods: All research strategies, practices and methods have their limitations and the most common way of trying to offset these limitations is by using
Research Methods: If you go and see your doctor or a therapist, you’ll become a ‘case’ to them. They’ll want to know a lot more
Research Methods: Some research questions can only really be studied by sociologists getting out of their offices and interacting directly with the people they want
Research Methods: How do school students negotiate the pressures to perform well academically alongside the pressure to be popular and cool? Carolyn Jackson combined questionnaires
Religion and Beliefs: With contributions from leading experts on the study of religion, this film gives students a new take on secularisation theory. While secularisation
Religion and Beliefs: Sometimes practised far away from the world and sometimes in the full glare of hostile media, there are thousands of new religions.
Religion and Beliefs: Ask a hundred people what they think religion is and you’ll probably get a hundred different answers. However, to study religion we
Crime and Deviance: Hate Crime is high profile now. But the cases of violent hate crime we see in the media are just the tip
Crime and Deviance: It seems obvious to most people that crime and social order are opposites. But more than a century ago French sociologist Emile
Crime and Deviance: Does situational crime prevention actually work, or is crime simply displaced to a neighbouring area? This film tells the story of an
Crime and Deviance: The concept of social control is an important one in the sociology of crime and deviance and this short film, featuring contributions
Crime and Deviance: This short film illustrates how crimes committed by powerful social actors differ in terms of both: type – the distinction between white-collar,
Crime and Deviance: This film examines the concepts of moral panic and deviancy amplification through both a classic – Stan Cohen talking about the origins
Crime and Deviance: The most consistent finding in the study of crime is the relationship between crime and gender. In almost every country, over 80%
Crime and Deviance: Robert Merton was one of the first sociologists to look at the relationship between culture and crime and this film provides a
Crime and Deviance: Spatial criminology asks whether it’s possible to reduce crime by changing social spaces. This short film featuring Dr Steven Taylor, begins with
Crime and Deviance: In 2008, Vincent Li murdered and then cannibalised 22 year old Tim McLean on a Greyhound Bus heading for Winnipeg. And the
Crime and Deviance: Traditionally criminology focused on criminal action and its control, but in the 1960’s Labelling Theory widened the focus to include the social
Family and Social Change Series: This film explores some of the ways new communication technologies and surveillance software impact on ideas of children and childhood
Family and Social Change Series: Is childhood disappearing in contemporary societies? This film uses Jane Pilcher’s contemporary case study on fashion and the sexualisation of
Family and Social Chanage Series: To what extent are recent changes in family life a reflection of wider social changes in late modern societies? In
Family and Social Change Series: In this film Dr Steven Taylor examines family diversity through a range of measures – including marriage, divorce, cohabitation and
Introducing Sociology Series: Does Sociology go beyond commonsense and, if so, how? Dr Steven Taylor addresses this question by: introducing students to some key principles
Introducing Sociology Series: This film introduces the key concept of social construction and looks at how cultures teach us to see the world in certain
Introducing Sociology Series: In this activity-based film Dr Steven Taylor looks at the interaction between the individual and society through the concept of identity, with
Introducing Sociology Series: In this short film Dr Steven Taylor provides a concise and accessible introduction to sociology for students new to the subject. It