Mass Killings: The Role of the Media
Our latest short film looks at the relationship between fame-seeking mass killers and the media.
This section features a range of On-Demand Criminology films to enhance teaching and learning.
Click any film to see more information about it.
Our latest short film looks at the relationship between fame-seeking mass killers and the media.
Mass killings, described by the FBI as four or more unlawful killings in a single event, devastate communities and create fear across countries. But if
This haunting film provides a brilliant summary of one of the most infamous experiments ever conducted in psychology, looking at its origins, methods, quite extraordinary
The Bystander Effect has long been used to explain the general lack of public help towards people who have been harmed, or are at risk
Profiling: Geographical offender profiling is now being used by police forces around the world to help focus investigations into a connected series of crimes where
Profiling: One evening a couple were watching tv when they heard a knock on their front door. On the doorstep was a shivering 10-year-old girl
Profiling: An area that’s captured the public imagination from tv shows like Mindhunter and Criminal Minds is criminal profiling. But what’s the reality behind the
Crime and Deviance: Hate Crime is high profile now. But the cases of violent hate crime we see in the media are just the tip
Crime and Deviance: It seems obvious to most people that crime and social order are opposites. But more than a century ago French sociologist Emile
Crime and Deviance: Does situational crime prevention actually work, or is crime simply displaced to a neighbouring area? This film tells the story of an
Crime and Deviance: The concept of social control is an important one in the sociology of crime and deviance and this short film, featuring contributions
Crime and Deviance: This short film illustrates how crimes committed by powerful social actors differ in terms of both: type – the distinction between white-collar,
Crime and Deviance: This film examines the concepts of moral panic and deviancy amplification through both a classic – Stan Cohen talking about the origins
Crime and Deviance: The most consistent finding in the study of crime is the relationship between crime and gender. In almost every country, over 80%
Crime and Deviance: Robert Merton was one of the first sociologists to look at the relationship between culture and crime and this film provides a
Crime and Deviance: Spatial criminology asks whether it’s possible to reduce crime by changing social spaces. This short film featuring Dr Steven Taylor, begins with
Crime and Deviance: In 2008, Vincent Li murdered and then cannibalised 22 year old Tim McLean on a Greyhound Bus heading for Winnipeg. And the
Crime and Deviance: Traditionally criminology focused on criminal action and its control, but in the 1960’s Labelling Theory widened the focus to include the social