Thinking Tools

Thinking Tools

Although I’ve previously posted about the Eduqas Digital Educational Resources for both GCSE and A-level Sociology and Psychology, I thought  it might be worth drawing your attention to a section called “Thinking Tools” that can easily get missed what with all the free resources and all.

This would be a pity because although it’s not going to win any prizes for radical innovation, it’s a section that contains a few (7 to be overly-precise) simple online exercises that you might find helpful and / or useful:

  • 3-2-1
  • 66 words
  • Funnelling
  • Question and Answer tool
  • Evaluate concept map
  • Reflection frame 1
  • Reflection frame 2
  • There’s also a handy Teachers Guide available if you need any help using the Tools, but since they’re all fairly self-explanatory you probably won’t need it to work out how to use any of them.

    Each Tool has a couple of associated menu options:

  • A Drawing Tool option that seems to have no discernible purpose other than to allow you / your students to draw random lines in different colours on the page. I had a lot of fun doing just that for about 39 seconds before I realised I had no idea what it’s purpose was supposed to be.
  • A Print option that not only allows you to print an exercise, completed or otherwise, but also to save it as a pdf file (and while this is just a matter of printing to a file rather than a piece of paper if you didn’t know you could do this it’s quite a handy thing to discover…). The ability to create some form of hard copy is a plus here because you can’t directly save any information you type into any of the tools…
  • Although the Tools have been created by the Eduqas Exam Board there’s nothing here that can’t be used by teachers with other exam boards.

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