In a previous post I pulled-together all the free crime and deviance films we have available to create a simple one-stop-shop (so to speak) you could browse, rather than have to search individually for these films.
I’ve extended this thinking to bring together all the posts we’ve made on Crime and Deviance – and since there’s “quite a few” I thought it might be useful to break them down into rough categories (Notes, Organisers, Activities, PowerPoints and Films) for your viewing convenience.
Since I’ve discovered this is actually quite a task, I’ll add the different categories “as-and-when” I can, starting with:
Hate Crime: Some short and to-the-point notes
Routine Activities: Extensive and quite detailed set of notes evaluating Routine Activities Theory (“Crime as a Cause of Crime”).
Crime and Deviance Resources: Notes and PowerPoints by various authors covering a wide range of areas (youth, class, globalisation…).
Defining and Measuring Cybercrime: Crime is increasingly going online. How do we measure the changing cost of Cybercrime and what does it all mean for crime statistics?
Gender and Crime: Co-offending: Women everywhere commit different types of crime to men – except when they co-offend…
Sociology In Focus: Notes, Activities, Mindmaps and Other Stuff to support this (oldish) Textbook (which you can download here if you want).
Knife Crime: Simple quiz on who commits knife crime. Sort of. It’s actually a bit more than that.
Revision Booklets: Exactly as it says. You’ll find 9 from which to choose.
Situational Crime Prevention: Two new(ish) examples.
SCP Strategies: Short introduction to situational crime prevention strategies.
SCP: Examining the theoretical background to situational crime prevention.
Restorative Justice: A brief overview.
ONS Statistical Bulletin: Up-to-date statistical data on crime in England and Wales.
Crime and Postmodernity: The notion of crime as postmodern spectacle.
Statistical Trends in Crime: Exploring crime trends through Nick Morgan’s Report “The heroin epidemic of the 1980s and 1990s and its effect on crime trends – then and now”.
Broken Windows Part 1: Part 1 (of 3) looks at the general theoretical and empirical background to this influential Right Realist theory of crime.
Broken Windows Part 2: Part 2 examines the contention that social disorder is a cause of crime.
Routine Activities: Critical overview of Routine Activities theory in a Flipbook format.
Crime and Deviance Flipbooks: From Theories of Crime to Social Distribution and Globalisation.
Deviancy Amplification: Overview that includes some bits on moral and amoral panics.
Rational Choice Theory (1): Part 1 of an overview of a key New Right theory whose central argument about criminal rationality underpins a range of later Right Realist explanations for crime.
Rational Choice Theory (2): Part 2 looks at the notion of rational cost-benefit analyses of criminal motivation.
A Market Reduction Approach to crime: Outline of Sutton’s innovative approach to crime reduction.
Left Realism: Key points overview.
Gangs: Two Reports into gang subcultures in Britain.
Restorative Justice: Applied to education.
Popular Panics and the New Right: Short article looking at the history of popular panics in Britain.
Some Notes on Constitutive Criminology: Applying the concept of “Harm” to crime and deviance.
Deviancy Amplification and Moral Panics (1): Introduction to deviancy amplification and interpretivist concepts of moral panic.
Deviancy Amplification and Moral Panics (2): Neo-Marxist approaches to moral panics.
Deviancy Amplification and Moral Panics (3): Amoral panics.
Perspectives on Crime: Functionalism, Interactionism and New Right Perspectives illustrated through a combination of text, audio and video.
Theories 1: Biological / Physiological
Theory Take Five: Presentation that includes a small number of crime theorists (Carlen, Becker, Pollack etc.) with the focus on “5 things I know” about them…
Crime and Deviance: Dozen or so Presentations from a variety of authors covering a variety of topics and themes.
Non-Sociological v. Labelling Approaches to Crime
Crime: Large selection of Presentations covering Theories, Social Distribution, Globalisation and more.
Measuring Crime: Massive Presentation covering various aspects of crime measurement (not as dull as it sounds).
Situational Crime Prevention: Examples of different SCP techniques.
Hot Products: The characteristics of “hot products” – the goods valued by burglars, street criminals, etc.
Deviancy Amplification: Simple visual representation of a deviancy amplification spiral.
Routine Activities: Simple, visual, way to introduce the key components of the theory.
Strain Theory: Simple visualisation with examples.
Left Realism: Presentation that visualises three-cornered approach to deviance, the criminogenic triangle and the square of crime.
Big Bundle: Loads of Learning Tables on range of topics.
Big Bundle 2: Another bumper crop of Tables.
NotAFactsheets: Functionalism, Right Realism and Administrative Criminology in handy “(Nota) Fact Sheet Format”.
NotAFactSheet2: Interactionism, Critical Theory and Deviancy Amplification.
The Sociological Detectives: Simulation that requires students to apply their knowledge of crime theory to explain “a situation featuring Unruly Youth”.
Learning Mats: Like Knowledge Organisers but students add the relevant information to them…
Knowledge Organisers: Templates to be completed by students.
Essay-writing exercise: Gender and crime
Lesson Resource: Global Crime
Self-Report Questionnaire: How Criminal Are You?
Treating Off-Shore Wealth as Terrorism?: Simple labelling exercise
How Reliable are Official UK Crime Statistics?: Interpretation and evaluation exercise.
Crime and Deviance in Postmodernity 1: Workbook covering the critique of conventional criminology.
Crime and Deviance in Postmodernity 2: Workbook covering the concept of deviance as harm.
Pre-Questions: How to use this technique.
Left Realism: Thought experiment
What’s In the Envelope?: Revision activity
Why is Gaz in court for mugging?: Interpreting and applying data exercise.
Debating Deviance: Structuring classroom discussions.
Connecting Walls: What connects a wall of 16 concepts?
Patterns of Crime: Applying and interpreting crime statistics.
Deviance Amplification: Applying the feedback loop…
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