Cherry-Picking Revision
Cherry-Picking Revision is a simple Presentation based on an original idea by History teacher James Fitzgibbon. While the basic idea is much the same as his – getting students to identify key ideas they can “cherry-pick” to answer exam-type questions – I’ve converted it to PowerPoint and extended it slightly: 1. To make it a […]
Research Methods Booklet
This Booklet was created by Steven Humphrys, based on one of Ken Browne’s many Sociology textbooks. I don’t know which one but since the Booklet’s dated 2018 I chose the most recent. Probably. I can’t keep up. Also, when I say “guessing”, the Word version has a bank page that says “Ken Browne Scan”, which […]
Teaching Techniques: Pre-Questioning
“Asking questions” of students is pretty-much a staple of any teacher’s toolkit, which is fair enough, because as Jarrett (2107) notes: “The “testing effect” is well-established in psychology: this is the finding that answering questions about what you’ve learned leads to better retention than simply studying the material for longer. Testing is beneficial because the […]
Year 12 Sociology
A web site that is both a name and an accurate description of what it contains, Year 12 Sociology has a range of resources created by Stephanie Parsons, mainly based around what seem like Lesson Plan PowerPoint slides that have been saved as pdf documents. What you seem to get in each resource is a […]
Revising Perspectives
I’ve been trawling through some of the old ATSS material I seem to have collected and “stored” (oddly, enough, behind bookcases and stuffed towards the back of filing cabinets) over the years and came across this simple revision activity by Warren Kidd. I’ve adapted it very slightly from the original but in the main it’s […]
Crime and Deviance Resources
For some reason I seem to have collected quite a lot of crime and deviance resources that are just sitting-around taking up space on my hard drive when they could be doing something useful like helping students revise or teachers plan lessons. And from this intro you’ll probably have guessed that what follows is an […]
Family and Household Revision Guide
This is an extensive PowerPoint Presentation I’ve picked-up from somewhere (who knows…), stored on a hard drive and rediscovered when looking for something else. So, no surprises there. It is, though, fairly recent (probably 2017) and reflects the content of the latest AQA Specification – which is a little more unusual. I’ve no-idea who put […]
Psychology: Aspects of Sleep
Four short teaching films, now available On Demand, covering different aspects of sleep research: 1. Why Do We Sleep? [4.20] We’ll spend about a third of our lives asleep. But why? Why do we need to sleep? Filmed at a University Sleep Laboratory, this short film demonstrates the effect of lack of sleep and why […]
Lord of the Rings: Family Revision Quiz
This simple PowerPoint Quiz, created by Leanne Trinder, uses a Lord of the Rings theme around which to deliver 10 multiple-choice questions on various aspects of family life. Each question has 3 possible answers and, unusually for a PowerPoint quiz it’s very forgiving of incorrect answers – if you get a question wrong you can […]
One Pagers
The basic idea underpinning the concept of a “One Pager” is that it represents a one-page (no, really) response to something. Conventionally, given the concept’s origins in literature studies, this a piece of text. Somewhat less conventionally, in the context of sociology / psychology we can widen the definition of “text” to include just about […]