Study Rocket: A-Level Psychology Revision Resource

Study Rocket seems to have begun life as a revision web site for a range of subjects, one of which was – and still is to a large extent – AQA Psychology A-level. I say “was” for a couple of reasons: Firstly, because the site now advertises the fact “we’ve decided to make all of […]

Essay Planning: Killing The Question

This is an idea that I found on an old Rachel Whitfield blog page that I’ve pimped-up a bit but which is essentially her’s – although part of the attraction, for me, was that it fitted quite neatly into my own ideas about Sociology students taking on the role of Sociological Detectives. In this particular […]

The Learning Scientists: Free Revision Resources

Over the past 5 or so years I’ve posted a few times about the revision resources provided by The Learning Scientists: from retrieval practice and spaced study booklets to simple video explainers about the basic science behind successful forms of revision. This latest post brings together a new set of resources designed to help teachers […]

AllSociology Podcasts

I stumbled across Ben Hewitson’s Sociology Podcasts via his Allsociology Instagram page – the latter’s well worth a look for the free Revision Card Thingies (they’re probably not called that, but it was the best I could come up with) that highlight some key ideas in a-level sociology in a very visual way – and […]

Reflective Revision Diaries

A Reflective Revision Diary is a way to organise student revision: to make it more manageable and, with a bit of effort and dedication, easier, less boring and consequently more effective. Although ideas about revision – what it involves and how to do it – have generally moved-on over the past 25 years or so, […]

Sociology Revision Blasts

Having girded my loins, as you do, for this set of Tutur2U GCSE and A-level Revision videos I was quite prepared to be met with a series of “worthy-but-a-little-dull” screencasts that used a “Podcasts with Pictures” format to talk students through a range of sociological topics. In other words, someone talking over and around a […]

How to Slay Your (Exam) Demons

I’m reliably informed (although, after a moment’s reflection, find it hard to actually believe) that someone called Sheena Hutchinson (no, me neither) once said that “Life is all about choices”. Which, all-things-considered, is one of the most profound things you’re ever likely to read (at least on this blog). Or maybe not. You pays your money… […]

Study Skills Resources

The Welsh Exam Board site seems to have undergone a rather drastic culling of it’s once-outstanding sociology resources – all I could find was a rather sad Flash movie on gender socialisation that will cease to function on January 1st 2021, some interesting and extensive Crime and Deviance resources that are definitely worth digging around […]

Routine Activities Flipbook

A few months ago (around 6 to be precise) I did a blog post suggesting how you might want to evaluate a Routine Activities approach to crime. Then I left well alone and went away – not literally because we were well into the Covid lockdown by then – and did a load of other […]

Cherry-Picking Revision

Cherry-Picking Revision is a simple Presentation based on an original idea by History teacher James Fitzgibbon. While the basic idea is much the same as his – getting students to identify key ideas they can “cherry-pick” to answer exam-type questions – I’ve converted it to PowerPoint and extended it slightly: 1. To make it a […]