The Usefulness of Psychological Research

Exam questions that require you to “assess the usefulness” of psychological research have a high “waffle factor” potential (throwing everything you can think of at the question in the hope some of it might stick) and can be difficult to successfully negotiate unless you have a clear planned structure. As a general rule, therefore, try […]

Psychology: A whole new set of films

We’re starting to release the first batch of films in our new Revising Psychology series – short, informative, videos aimed at students and teachers and designed to both consolidate learning and suggest ways to gain the best possible exam grade. The films can be rented (48-hours) or bought (individually or in selected bundles) and can […]

Revision tips for studying smarter

One of the most noticeable developments in UK education over the past 50 years has been the development of “exam technique” as a discrete element in the teaching and learning process. This epistemological turn – whatever the structural reasons for its emergence – is one that now arguably places an inordinate amount of teaching time […]

5 “secrets” to successful revision

A short article that identifies “five secrets” to revision. And if I told you these are, in no particular order: Space your practice Make sure you fail occasionally Practice what you’ll be tested on Structure information Rest and sleep. they would no-longer be secrets. Which they aren’t really. Just things about “How to Revise Successfully” […]