Dynamic Learning: Better Sleep – Better Grades

Although there’s a long history of scientific research demonstrating the importance of sleep to memory, that’s not much comfort to students who find it difficult to get a good night’s sleep – particularly when faced with upcoming tests or exams. All is not lost however, because science has also shown how it’s possible to develop […]

Spaced Repetition

The 8th film in our Dynamic Learning Series designed to introduce students to a range of important ideas and skills related to the science of studying. The series combines both theoretical insights and practical demonstrations of how an understanding of study skills can enhance student exam performance. This short film introduces a tried-and-tested technique for memorising information, both […]

Power Notes

In the normal course of events Power Notes are a simple way to organise your note-taking. If push-comes-to-shove, however, they can also be a very effective way to re-organise your conventional linear notes to make them more revision-friendly. Although there are a variety of patterned / visual note-taking techniques around, it’s a good bet the […]