18 | Religion: Part 3

The third chapter in our trawl through the murky waters of organised (and disorganised, come to that) religion looks at the relationship between religion and social position in two broad ways: Firstly terms of the so-called (by me at least) “CAGE” variables: class, age, gender and ethnicity. This section both outlines the relationship between each […]

17 | Religion: Part 2

No sociological analysis of religion would be complete without looking at the role it plays in society and, as luck would have it, this particular chapter examines the role of religion from a number of different perspectives – both inclusive and exclusive – whose main ideas are outlined and briefly evaluated: • Functionalist • Neo-Functionalist […]

16 | Religion: Part 1

The opening chapter in this series on religion looks at “Key Concepts and the Changing Nature of Religious Movements in Society” – something that lends itself neatly to two broad sections: 1. Key Concepts – an “introduction to the sociology of religion” that covers two important areas: • how we define religion, considered in terms […]

BBC “Analysis” Podcasts

Over the past 10 years BBC Radio 4’s Analysis series has created a range of podcasts “examining the ideas and forces which shape public policy in Britain and abroad, presented by distinguished writers, journalists and academics”. There are over 200 podcasts to trawl through, many of which won’t be of any interest or use to sociology […]

Lesson Plans: Family | Class | Religion

Whatever your teaching situation or level of experience, Other People’s Lesson Plans can sometimes be a bit of a god-send – particularly when they come from the pen of practising teachers: whether you’re looking for a different way to teach a familiar topic, a set of basic ideas you can adapt to your own working […]

The Kendal Project: Professor Linda Woodhead

In this short interview filmed in 2009 Professor Linda Woodhead talks briefly about secularisation and post-secularisation and, at greater length, The Kendal Project.