Methods Mat

A generic Methods Mat template that might be useful for both Sociology and Psychology A-level Research methods teaching.  The Research Methods Tables created by Liam Core got me thinking about how to present a similar level of information in a Learning Mat format (such as Stacey Arkwright’s Sociology Mats, the Psychology Studies Mat or the […]

Crime and Deviance Theories

A little while back (maybe 5 or 6 years ago – I lose track) I created 3 Crime and Deviance Presentations that were, I like to think, quite ground-breaking at the time for their combination of text, graphics, audio and video – and while they may be looking a little dated now they still have […]

Sociology and You: Supporting Materials

The original publishers of Sociology and You (Glencoe) made a bit of an effort to produce branded PowerPoint resources to accompany each chapter and while there’s nothing very special about them – they’re pretty much bog-standard “text on a white background” slides – these ready-made resources can be useful as a way of introducing key […]

A-Level Sociology Revision: 7. Families and Households

As with some of the other topics, revision materials for family life are both a bit scarce and a little bit dated, in the sense that where the UK Specs. have recently changed, older revision guides obviously don’t cover the newer additions. On the other hand, there’s still a strong continuity between the older and […]

Culture and Identity PowerPoints

To complement the Culture and Identity Revision booklets I’ve assembled a range of PowerPoint Presentations from a variety of sources including some nice little presentations put together by the OCR Exam Board (with accompanying Instruction and Activity booklets). While the Presentations are probably more-suited to integration into an Introductory Sociology / Culture and Identity teaching session […]

Education PowerPoints: Part 2

Part 2 of the Education Presentations gives you more of the same, only less of it. More PowerPoints, in other words, but fewer of them than in Part 1. Most of these are fairly straightforward “Teaching Presentations” but some contain YouTube videos (again, I’ve converted the links so they will play directly inside the Presentation) […]

Education PowerPoints: Part 1

Alongside the Revision Guides I seem to have collected a large number of Education PowerPoints that, while not explicitly geared towards revision, could be used in this way. Alternatively, they could just be used as part of your normal classroom teaching. The Presentations are by a mix of authors (where known) but the majority are […]

Office Online: For Free (and Quite Legal)

The free version of Microsoft’s Office Suite may have a reduced functionality when compared to the desktop version but for “no money” it has to be a bit of a bargain for both teachers and students. While applications like Word and PowerPoint are probably staples of any teaching toolkit, they can be expensive, even when […]

Psychology Studies Mat

The idea for Psychology Study Mats came to me while idly browsing Pinterest and chancing upon Emily’s blog. I was initially struck by what may well prove to be some of the neatest and well-organised Psychology Notes I’ve ever seen and while exploring further I came across an interesting idea in the Printables section: a […]

Sociology Revision PowerPoints: Crime and Deviance

The second part of the Crime and Deviance Revision series (the first, if you missed it,  involves revision booklets) is devoted to a range of PowerPoint Presentations that I’ve collected from various places. Just have a look at the document properties if you want to know who created them. The quality of the Presentations is […]