Microsoft OneNote: For Free

OneNote is just one of a number of Note-Taking / Management programs / apps that have been around in one form or another since the dawn of personal computing (Probably. I haven’t actually checked) and I mention it here for two reasons: Firstly, it’s something I’ve used a great deal over the years as a […]

Sociological Stories: Broken Windows Revisited

This attempt to create something a little different in PowerPoint expands on the first effort by being significantly longer, around 50 slides, split into three separate-but-related sections and dotted with a few choice bits of online video and hyperlinks (for which you will obviously need to be connected to the Internet). Although it’s made in […]

PowerPoint: Defining Mass Media v2

When I posted the previous version of this PowerPoint Presentation I included the rider that I’d have a go at making it “More-Prezi” and “Less-PowerPoint”, by which I meant doing away with the semi-linear structure of the original and replacing it with the kind of open structure characteristic of Prezi Presentations. This, I’m happy to […]

PowerPoint: Defining Mass media

If, like me, you’ve always had a sneaking liking for Prezi-style Presentations you’ll probably be aware that the only way to create them was, oddly-enough, by using Prezi. Which, in the past wasn’t too much of a problem because you could just use it to create whatever you liked for free. But that was then. […]

Using PowerPoint Speaker Notes on Zoom

One problem – not admittedly the greatest problem you’re likely to face, but a problem nonetheless – for any teacher who wants to take their students through a PowerPoint Presentation on Zoom is the fact students see on their screens exactly what the teacher sees. And while you can use PowerPoint’s Presenter View to hide […]

Study Skills Resources

The Welsh Exam Board site seems to have undergone a rather drastic culling of it’s once-outstanding sociology resources – all I could find was a rather sad Flash movie on gender socialisation that will cease to function on January 1st 2021, some interesting and extensive Crime and Deviance resources that are definitely worth digging around […]

Gamified Homework: Climb Every Mountain

This second example of gamification takes a slightly different and less organisationally-complex approach to setting homework than its Earn-to-Learn predecessor. It does this by adopting the mechanics of a game board: all students start at the same point and work their way to the top (or end-point) by traversing different levels. In this particular example […]

The Crime Collection

In a previous post I pulled-together all the free crime and deviance films we have available to create a simple one-stop-shop (so to speak) you could browse, rather than have to search individually for these films. I’ve extended this thinking to bring together all the posts we’ve made on Crime and Deviance – and since […]

GCSE Sociology Freebies

The Sociology Support web site has some new and interesting freebies available for GCSE Sociology, the first of which is the Spec Check Pack. This consists of neat, one-page, summaries of the AQA Specification content (including an indication of Key Studies) that students (and teachers…) should find useful for both tracking progress through the course […]

Education Workbooks

This set of resources, created by Lizzie Read, covers different aspects of Education across three main categories: 1. The Role of Education is a 50-page+ resource that includes a Teacher version and a Student version. 2. Differential Achievement is split into two sub-categories: Class and Gender (with a Teacher version and a Student version) and […]