Sociology Flipbooks

A range of Sociology Flipbooks covering Theory, Methods, Education, Deviance, Media and Revision.

Plus 3 bonus issues of Sociology Shortcuts Magazine.

Revision Workouts

Revision Workouts are structured revision tasks you can use throughout a course. The examples provided are for Sociology but the blank Workouts can be used for any subject that uses Assessment Objectives.

KS4 Sociology Roadmaps

A range of visual Sociology Roadmaps / Journeys to inspire or copy.

More A-level Sociology PLC’s

Another set of Personal Learning Checklists with which to welcome in the
New Year.

Accent as Cultural Discrimination

Is your accent still a significance source of discrimination in UK society?

Daniel Butcher: Sociology

I’ve found it a bit difficult to evaluate the films produced by Sociology Teacher Daniel Butcher, for reasons that should become apparent, so I’m going to depart slightly from the usual blog format and just try to list some of the pluses and minuses.

Sound Sociology

Over the years we’ve highlighted a small, but growing, number of Sociology Podcasts, the majority of which have been aimed at a-level students – either because that’s the way the market’s pointing with the increasing popularity of Sociology at this level or because the potential GCSE audience is relatively small in comparison. Sound Sociology “Presented […]

Ghostsites: Wathistory

WatHistory is a YouTube site I’ve been meaning to write about but, for whatever reason, never got around to doing so until now. I guess I was inspired by the sociology ghostsites theme because this site seems to have something of a chequered history. Although the Twitter account ceased trading in 2018 and the .com website may never […]

Q and A: Does the Gender of the Teacher Matter?

The Question A popular (as in “a lot of people seem to believe it“) and recurring question around the “failing boys” discourse in education across many western societies (from Britain to America and Australia) is whether a lack of male role models, particularly in early-years education, is to blame. The Answer Supplied by Carrington, Francis, […]

More Gaps to Mind…

If you’ve read the recent Mind the Gap blog post you might be thinking: “That’s all very well and good but what would be really useful is a Pdf version of the post that’s been designed in the style of the recent Sociology Shortcuts Magazine Issue 3 with all kinds of pictures and stuff or, […]