The Real CSI

The Centre for Social Investigation – not to be confused with the long-running TV series – was established at Nuffield College in 2014 as an “interdisciplinary research programme” with the aim of addressing “contemporary social issues of public interest”. To which end, the upshot of all this collaborative enterprise and expertise is an archive of […]

Education: Control, Inequality and Innovation

1979 is a key date in the development of education in England and Wales because it was in that year that Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister and began a process of modernising conservatism, under both Conservative and Labour governments, that still, nearly 50 years later, exerts a vice-like grip on primary, secondary and, increasingly tertiary […]

Dynamic Learning: Spaced Repetition

Research has shown that when we learn new information we’ll have forgotten around 50% of it within a day and 75% of it after a week. This is called the forgetting curve and while it’s useful for getting rid of all the stuff we don’t need to remember, it can be a big problem if […]

Podcasts with Pictures: Learning Academy

Another in the “Podcasts with Pictures” series designed to bring to your attention video materials you or your students might find useful. In this instance we have a series of “video lessons” created by The Learning Academy. Each of the 14 lessons lasts between 10 and 15 minutes and consists of someone talking about a […]

GCSE Sociology Revision Booklets

From time-to-time I come across GCSE Sociology resources that I think are worth passing-on to teachers and students and these two documents are no exception. Because if they were I wouldn’t be linking to them. Obviously. The first is a Revision Pack created by C Pym of Whalley Range High School. It covers the 2022 […]

Video Learning: GCSE Sociology

A complete Sociology GCSE course consisting of around 100, 15 minute, video lessons with accompanying worksheets.

Independent Study Booklets: Sociology

A range of (AQA) Independent Study Booklets containing an interesting mix of notes, key ideas, quick questions, consolidation tasks and planned “exam style” questions.

One of the few resources I’ve seen that try to integrate knowledge acquisition with the development of specific study skills designed to help students retain and recall the information they’ve been taught.

More Sociology Summer Transition Resources | 2

Part 2 of a range of fairly up-to-date transition materials that might both inspire and save you a bit of time and effort.

More Sociology Summer Transition Resources | 1

It’s been a couple of years since I last posted any Sociology Transition materials (work set for students to complete over the summer holiday to ease the transition between GCSE and A-level or Year 12 and Year 13) so I thought it might be useful to update the list with some more-recent materials culled from the labours of hard-working Sociology teachers.

Another Batch of A-level Sociology Organisers

This new (2023) set of Sociology A-level Knowledge Organisers covers Media, Education, Crime, Health, World Sociology and Religion.