Shortcuts to Crime and Deviance: Women and Crime

While the first film in the Gender and Crime series looked at the ideas of Gendering Crime (in every society males commit far more crimes than females) and masculinity as an explanation for greater male criminal involvement, this second film – once again built around interviews with Professor Sandra Walklate – focuses on women and […]

Shortcuts to Crime and Deviance: Gendering the Criminal

Professor Sandra Walklate talks about the relationship between gender and crime and explains how and why masculinity offers a partial, but not necessarily sufficient, explanation for the over-representation of young men in the crime statistics. • Gender and crime• Masculinity • Femininity• Gender socialisation• Edgework (Lyng)• Cultural expectations of masculinity• Masculinity and the public domain• […]

The Crime and Deviance Channel

The Crime and Deviance Channel now offers a wide range of free Text, PowerPoint, Audio and Video resources organised into 5 categories: 1. Theories 2. Social Distribution 3. Power and Control 4. Globalisation 5. Research Methods Each category contains a mix of content: • Text materials range from complete pdf chapters to a variety of […]

The Dark Side of Family Life: Domestic Abuse

The issue of domestic abuse has hit the headlines recently with the start of both the 2018 World Cup and not-uncoincidentally, a “Give Domestic Abuse the Red Card” campaign promoted by a range of police forces and widely-reported in both old and new media. The campaign highlights the relationship between domestic violence (defined in terms […]

Youth Subcultures: The Changing Face of Gangs

Unlike in the USA, where the study of “gangs” and “gang culture” – from “Street Corner Society” to “Gang Leader for A Day” – is firmly embedded in the sociological mainstream, the empirical study of UK gangs is fairly limited. This makes it all the more interesting that, over the past 10 years, Waltham Forest […]

Get Back The Heartbeat: A Film about Social Control

Around 10 years ago I was contacted by a French film student asking permission to use something I’d written about social control as the basis for a Sociology lecture to be featured in a short film they were producing and directing. I’d forgotten all about it until I was rooting around in a bookcase looking […]

Three More GCSE Sociology Revision Guides

These revision guides were created for the WJEC exam board so if you don’t follow this Specification you need to be careful about the areas that might be included in your Specification that are not covered in these guides. And vice versa, of course. There’s not a great deal of point revising material from these […]

Sociology and You: A Free Textbook

This American High School textbook just scrapes into the “published in the 21st century” criterion I set myself for finding free, out-of-print sociology texts, but I’ve included it because although it’s obviously a little dated – at least in terms of content if not necessarily design – Sociology and You (2001) was probably one of […]

An Open-Source Sociology Textbook

A free (open-source) Sociology textbook (plus resources) that could be used to supplement your existing textbooks and classroom resources. While the idea of “open-source software” – programs created, modified and freely distributed to users who also contribute in various ways to their subsequent development – has long-been a feature of digital technology, it seems a […]

Sociology Revision Booklets: 4. Crime and Deviance

As you might expect, given its status as one of the most-popular a-level sociology options, when it comes to revision resources for crime and deviance both teachers and students are rather spoilt for choice. I’ve decided, therefore, to split this post into two parts (probably – there may be more): the first (this one) has […]