Hate Crime in Everyday Life

While spectacular Hate Crimes involving mass murders and indiscriminate destruction invariably grab the newspaper, tv and social media headlines, a wide range of more mundane and pedestrian forms of hate are largely ignored. These relatively low-level forms of hate – from casual bullying to wider forms of sexual or racial harassment – rarely explode into […]

Hate Crime

Historically, Hate Crime isn’t something that’s featured prominently in most sociology specifications and this lack of prominence has meant that resources for teaching it have generally been a little lacking – so anything that helps to fill-in some of the many gaps is probably to be welcomed. The Report-it web site is one such general […]

GCSE Sociology Freebies

The Sociology Support web site has some new and interesting freebies available for GCSE Sociology, the first of which is the Spec Check Pack. This consists of neat, one-page, summaries of the AQA Specification content (including an indication of Key Studies) that students (and teachers…) should find useful for both tracking progress through the course […]

Relighting the Streets: Situational Crime Prevention

Over the past 50 years an increasingly-influential school of criminology has argued that finding “the causes of crime” or “solutions to the problem of crime” is not possible. The best we can do, they argue, is manage and limit the extent of crime. Situational Crime Prevention, in this respect, involves a range of strategies based […]

SHS Sociology Resources

Padlet, in case you don’t know it, is a file-sharing site that lets you organise files into Boards, the contents of which can then be shared with anyone who happens to want them. You can upload all kinds of files (such as documents or videos), or link to files on other web sites. It’s a […]

Year 13 Sociology

A previous post (Year 12 Sociology) outlined a range of resources created by Stephanie Parsons to support AQA Paper 1 topics (Introduction to Sociology, Family, Education) and this post points you in the general direction of her 2nd year A-level site, Year 13 Sociology. The landing page has a mix of posts on a range […]

Crime as a Cause of Crime? Evaluating Routine Activities

Felson and Cohen’s Routine Activities approach (1979) has arguably been one of the most-influential recent theories of crime, one that sits squarely within contemporary New Right / Realist explanations for crime and deviance. This post looks at a couple of useful ways students can evaluate the approach. A Quick Outline… The main objective of this […]

More Crime and Deviance Resources

Following on from the previous set of crime resources, this is a mixed-bag of PowerPoint Presentations and Word documents covering various aspects of crime and deviance. While there is coverage of various issues and debates here, the main emphasis is on student activities and tasks – and while there’s nothing particularly spectacular or cutting-edge about […]

Crime and Deviance Resources

For some reason I seem to have collected quite a lot of crime and deviance resources that are just sitting-around taking up space on my hard drive when they could be doing something useful like helping students revise or teachers plan lessons. And from this intro you’ll probably have guessed that what follows is an […]

One-Minute Interactionism: The Animated Version

A few months ago we posted an animated version of our One-Minute Strain Theory film and since it generally seemed to get a relatively welcoming reception we thought we’d go ahead with some further conversions of films in the “One-Minute” series. This month’s free animated offering, therefore, is a 1-Minute explanation of Labelling Theory that […]