Categorising SCP: Techniques and Examples

The first post in this short series outlined what Cornish and Clarke (2003) called 5 Situational Crime Prevention strategies and this PowerPoint Presentation develops this to include what they argued were “25 crime prevention techniques” associated with these strategies. In the presentation each technique is both briefly explained and illustrated. This material is presented as […]

Global Crime Lesson Resource

If you’re not familiar with the work of Dr. Jill Swale the easiest way to describe it is that she brings a creative dimension to sociology teaching and learning through the application of critical thinking. This fusion has, over the years, produced some very interesting and innovative ways to teach a-level sociology, particularly the sociology […]

Sociology ShortCuts: Green Crime and Criminology

In this Sociology ShortCut green criminologist Dr. Gary Potter provides a brief introduction to the concepts of green crime and criminology.

Sociology ShortCuts: Primary and Secondary Green Crime

ShortCuts to Sociology is a new series of free films designed to clearly and concisely illustrate key ideas and concepts across a range of topics – from family, through deviance to sociological methods and theory. The films are: short: between 30 seconds and a couple of minutes focused on definitions, explanations and analysis framed around […]

Crime as Postmodern Spectacle: Fear, Fascination and Murder as Video Game

A significant feature of what we might call “crime in postmodernity” is the idea that the media, in all its many forms, plays a central role in the construction of criminogenic discourses, where the role of the media is twofold. First, media are important because they propagate and, in some senses, control organise, criticise, promote […]

Racist Dogs and Institutional Racism

Dogs can’t, of course, be racist – but their handlers certainly can – and if you’re looking for a contemporary example of systemic racism then the US Department of Justice report into the killing of Michael Brown probably fits the bill.