Sociology Flipbooks

Flipbooks are online magazine-type documents whose defining feature is that you can flip the pages just like if you were reading a real magazine.

Amazing huh?

I don’t know why but I’m sufficiently attracted to this idea to have, over the years created a range of these documents that I’ve grouped into the following education-friendly categories:

A Flipbook.
  • Research Methods
  • Introductory
  • Theory
  • Education
  • Crime and Deviance
  • Revision
  • Mass Media
  • Shortcuts Magazine

Aside from reading, the magazines can (usually) be annotated with Sticky Notes (if I’ve remembered to assign this function), text can be highlighted and you can draw rectangles and circles around the text (not quite sure why you’d want to do this, but in case you do, you can).

The flipbooks also have a comprehensive Search function and pages can be bookmarked for future reference.

So, if you’re looking for something a little out of the ordinary to stimulate your sociological palate (or maybe just to give your students something a little different to look at) then these Sociology Flipbooks may be just what you’ve been looking for.

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