At some point around 2015 – presumably just in advance of the new Sociology Specification – the OCR Exam Board burst into action by creating not just the Lesson Elements previously posted and a short-but-useful set of Topic Exploration Packs (which, being OCR, they’ve since deleted so you can no-longer view them unless you’re an OCR teaching site. D’oh!)). on various sociological perspectives, but, more-importantly for our current purpose, a series of Lesson Delivery Guides designed to, err, guide teachers delivery of lessons I guess.
Unlike their elemental counterparts, the Delivery Guides cover the complete Specification in terms of Modules, though obviously not in terms of lessons because that would be asking a bit too much.
For the sake of consistency and clarity, each Guide is structured in terms of three main categories:
1. Curriculum content is a brief overview of what’s covered in the OCR Module. If you follow a different Specification you can happily ignore this section, although since most UK Specs have a degree of overlap it can be useful to check-out what’s being covered.
2. Thinking conceptually identifies some of the key concepts involved in the Module in greater or lesser detail (Family, for example, has a comprehensive conceptual coverage, Research Methods not so much). Again, even if you don’t follow the OCR Spec. there’s a lot here that will be relevent to other Specs.
3. Thinking contextually offers a series of teaching activities designed to get students thinking about the content being studied (although, for some reason, the Socialisation activities also include the aforementioned Lesson Elements, whereas the Globalisation activities do not. Go figure…).
While the activities are tailored to the OCR Spec., teachers of other Specs. are likely to find some activities relevant to their own Spec. so it’s worth having a look through the relevant Guides just to see if there’s something worth pinching…
The following Guides are available:
1. Socialisation, culture and identity
Socialisation, Culture and Identity (9 activities)
Families and Relationships (11)
Youth Subcultures (15)
Media (8)
2. Researching and understanding social inequalities
Research Methods and Researching Social Inequalities (8)
Understanding Social Inequalities (7)
3. Debates in Contemporary Society
Globalisation and the Digital World (8)
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