Situational Action Theory: Online Magazine

I thought that for the 1,000th SCTV blog post I’d make an effort to do something a bit different. But then I came to my senses and thought “why break the habit of a lifetime?”, which is why this Milestone Post is just another of my GoTo favourites – the flipbook (although I’ve decided to call it an Online Magazine to see if potential readers can be tricked into thinking it’s something worth reading).

Magazine Cover
Online Magazine…

Probably not, but at this stage it’s something of a wait-and-see game.

While I’m starting to get the impression that the Flipbook Format is one that very few people other than myself have much of an interest in – even though you can Turn The Pages Like An Actual Magazine! – I like to give people the option of reading stuff in this format.

And in this particular instance the Stuff in question is a collection of the various Situational Action Theory posts I made around a year ago (I may be slow, but I get there eventually). Although you can read these in the original blog post, it’s not really the same as viewing a custom-made booklet filled with words and pictures whose pages You Can Turn Like A Real Magazine. Something I may have already mentioned, but which deserves saying again.

And if you’re still not convinced, there’s always the pdf version – all the words, pictures and coloured backgrounds but, sadly, without the facility to flip the page…

If you need any more encouragement to have a butcher’s at the Stuff, what makes Situational Actional Theory particularly interesting – and perhaps a little unusual – is that it’s a theory of criminal behaviour that has grown alongside and out of Wickstom and Trieber’s groundbreaking work on the Peterborough Adolescent and Young Adult Development Study (PADS+). A longitudinal study that has been running for around 20 years, with the next phase due to begin in 2025.

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