Secularisation: The Decline of Religion?

Secularisation theory – the idea that as societies modernise they become less-religious in outlook and governance – is not only a key component in the

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Sociological Research Articles

I found this document lurking on a hard drive and while I’ve absolutely no idea from where it originally came, the metadata says “2008” and

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ShortCuts to Sociology: free film collection

For reasons that need not detain us here I was looking at the various free films we’ve published over the past few years and thought

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SHS Sociology Resources

Padlet, in case you don’t know it, is a file-sharing site that lets you organise files into Boards, the contents of which can then be

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Year 13 Sociology

A previous post (Year 12 Sociology) outlined a range of resources created by Stephanie Parsons to support AQA Paper 1 topics (Introduction to Sociology, Family,

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Types of New Age (Religious) Movement

A previous post looked at New Age Religious Movements (NAMs) in terms of the idea of different “streams” – a way of broadly classifying NAMs

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New Age (Religious) Movements (NAMs)

A short – but critical – piece on New Age Religious Movements and some possible reasons for their emergence and popularity in postmodernity… Melton (2001)

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The D.O.V.E. Protocol: 4 Functions of Religion

Classical functionalist theories of religion, associated with the work of writers like Durkheim (1912), Malinowski (1926), Alpert (1937), Parsons (1937) and more-latterly Luhmann (1977), generally

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Attending Church at the Turn of the (20th) Century

One of the things about teaching the sociology of religion is that, at various points – from its function and role in society to secularisation

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Agencies of Socialisation

Another day, another PowerPoint Presentation. And this time its “All About The Agencies” The Presentation identifies a range of primary and secondary socialising agencies (family,

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