Power Notes

In the normal course of events Power Notes are a simple way to organise your note-taking. If push-comes-to-shove, however, they can also be a very

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Revision Tips

You probably won’t be too surprised to learn that this is the time of the year when revision advice is thrown around more freely than

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Dual Coding: The Film

Dual coding – the 5th film in our Dynamic Learning series – is based on the idea that we process visual and verbal information in

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Revision: Rolling the Dice?

How to incorporate Elaborative Interrogation into your revision.

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Dynamic Learning: Active Learning and Cornell Notes

The third Dynamic Learning film introduces students to the Cornell Method and suggests ways it can help them improve the quality of their note-taking.

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Dynamic Learning: Sleep and Memory

The second film in the Dynamic Learning series looks at the relationship between sleep and memory and shows students how to apply the knowledge of this relationship to their studies.

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Dynamic Learning: The Power of Habits

The first film in our new Dynamic Learning series of Metacognition films shows students how to develop positive study habits.

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Sociology Flipbooks

A range of Sociology Flipbooks covering Theory, Methods, Education, Deviance, Media and Revision.

Plus 3 bonus issues of Sociology Shortcuts Magazine.

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Revision Hacks

5 ways to make your revision less painful and more productive.

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Revision Workouts

Revision Workouts are structured revision tasks you can use throughout a course. The examples provided are for Sociology but the blank Workouts can be used for any subject that uses Assessment Objectives.

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