The Sociology Staffroom: Podcasts

A range of weekly podcasts focused on aspects of A-level and GCSE sociology teaching.

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Sound Sociology

Over the years we’ve highlighted a small, but growing, number of Sociology Podcasts, the majority of which have been aimed at a-level students – either

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The Sociology Show Podcast: Starter Pack

Although I’ve previously posted about Mathew Wilkin’s Sociology Show Podcasts, I thought it might be helpful to draw your attention to a very specific podcast

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Podcast: The Social Breakdown

Podcasts, as you may have noticed, have become something of “A Teaching Thing” over the past few years, partly as the technology to create them

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LSE Intelligent Question Podcasts

This series of monthly podcasts from the London School of Economics (and Political Science) “asks intelligent questions about economics, politics or society” of, mostly, LSE

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Podcasts Without Pictures: The Sociology Show

Educational podcasting – both with and without pictures – has become increasingly popular over the past few years as the wider availability of computer audio

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British Social Attitudes

The latest issue (No. 37) of British Social Attitudes provides a useful cache of opinion data from NatCen – “Britain’s largest independent social research agency”

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AllSociology Podcasts

I stumbled across Ben Hewitson’s Sociology Podcasts via his Allsociology Instagram page – the latter’s well worth a look for the free Revision Card Thingies

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Sociology Revision Blasts

Having girded my loins, as you do, for this set of Tutur2U GCSE and A-level Revision videos I was quite prepared to be met with

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Podcasts with Pictures: Evaluating Sociological Research Methods

Alexandra Sugden’s YouTube Channel contains a load of online lectures, for both GCSE and A-level, covering areas like crime and deviance, education, sociological theory, research

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