Collections 3 | Simulations

All of the Sims on the site handily gathered together in one place.

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The Sociological Detectives: Trial: And Error

The latest addition to the burgeoning Sociological Detectives™ Universe is a role-playing simulation of the Research Process – and Popper’s Hypothetico-Deductive Model of Scientific Research

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Essay Planning: Killing The Question

This is an idea that I found on an old Rachel Whitfield blog page that I’ve pimped-up a bit but which is essentially her’s –

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Using Analogies: How Inequalities Create Inequality

This Lesson Outline is designed (yes, really) as a kind of skeleton structure you can flesh-out with ideas and information as and how you see

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Would You Rather?

“Would You Rather?” is a simple word game that involves students making a choice between two (or more) opposed choices that’s not only simple to

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Gamified Homework: Climbing Homework Mountain

This gamified homework variation, although having a superficial similarity to its Climb Every Mountain counterpart, combines the idea of giving students a “free choice” of

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Gamified Homework: Climb Every Mountain

This second example of gamification takes a slightly different and less organisationally-complex approach to setting homework than its Earn-to-Learn predecessor. It does this by adopting

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Gamified Homework: Earn to Learn

Although the basic idea behind Takeaway Homework is perfectly serviceable, teachers at Community College and A-level are more-likely to want to use homework as a

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Sociological Sims from Cengage

I’ve continually argued that games and simulations have an important part to play in the sociology classroom – I’ve found, created and posted a fair

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Sociology Through Video Games

Although I’ve long been a big fan of video games (mainly, it must be said, those that involve shooting a lot of things in what

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