Dynamic Learning: Better Sleep – Better Grades

Although there’s a long history of scientific research demonstrating the importance of sleep to memory, that’s not much comfort to students who find it difficult

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Dynamic Learning: Spaced Repetition

Research has shown that when we learn new information we’ll have forgotten around 50% of it within a day and 75% of it after a

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Dynamic Learning: Metacognition

The 7th film in our Dynamic Learning Series designed to introduce students to a range of important ideas and skills related to the science of

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Dynamic Learning: Metacognition

Over 30 years of educational research has shown that metacognition – an awareness of how we think – helps students take more control over their

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Dynamic Learning: Dual Coding

Dual coding involves using verbal and visual cues to help develop your learning and recall. So if you like two-for-one offers, this one’s for you.

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Dynamic Learning: Retrieval Practice

This short film shows you how to use retrieval practice to improve your understanding, develop your recall to identify gaps in your knowledge. While most

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Dynamic Learning: Active Learning and Cornell Notes

The third Dynamic Learning film introduces students to the Cornell Method and suggests ways it can help them improve the quality of their note-taking.

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Dynamic Learning: Active Learning and Cornell Notes

Most students write simple linear notes. But there is a way to improve the quality of note-taking that makes it more active, inquiring and revision-friendly,

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Dynamic Learning: Sleep and Memory

The second film in the Dynamic Learning series looks at the relationship between sleep and memory and shows students how to apply the knowledge of this relationship to their studies.

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Dynamic Learning: Sleep and Memory

Recent scientific research has shown us the benefits of sleep. And we’re increasingly aware that good sleep is crucial to memory and learning. Of course,

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